
Renew your membership

When renewing your existing membership, please deposit R1399 into our account. Please ensure that you use your name and surname as your reference on your banking transaction. If we do not acknowledge your payment within 24 hours, please reach out to us.

Reactivate your expired membership

If your membership has ended and you’d like to have all your previous score history reactivated, please deposit R1499 into our account. This is R1399 PLUS R100 reactivation fee. Please ensure that you use your name and surname as your reference on your banking transaction. If we do not acknowledge your payment within 24 hours, please reach out to us.

Our banking details

OptionAds (Pty) Ltd,
Standard Bank, Hyde Park,
Branch Code 00-66-05,
Cheque Account: 0222 986 22

(Please use your initials or name & surname as a reference)

For Credit Card or International Payments click here or

Please pay 80 from via to

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